Medical Collection
Physicians, hospitals, and clinics face continued pressure to collect their accounts receivable. Bloom & Associates, is intimately familiar with all aspects of medical collections including HIPAA and patient privacy issues, regulatory and insurance billing. We have worked with providers throughout the Maryland and Washington, DC region for the past twenty years, on both Active Receivable and Bad Debt accounts, and are members of MGMA, AAHAM, and HFMA.
Bloom & Associates, P.A. Accounts Receivable Collection Process
When you send your medical account to us, we send out a demand letter to the debtor and attempt to contact them by telephone, when possible. We also attempt to identify and resolve insurance billing and coordination of benefit issues.
We are conscious of the relationship between medical providers and their patients and will design a collection process that meets the objectives of our client. If a debtor does not respond to the demand letter and/or phone call(s), Bloom & Associates, P.A. may recommend filing suit. If the suit is authorized and we obtain a judgment, we perform asset searches to find the debtor’s place of employment and property. We also pursue claims against deceased debtors. Based upon our client’s instruction, we use the following methods to collect on healthcare/medical and accounts:
- Call campaigns
- Customer/Patient Support Services
- Insurance Billing and follow-up
- Motor Vehicle follow-up
- Workers’ Compensation follow-up
- Estate Claims
- Legal Action and Post-Judgment follow-up